Saturday, May 2, 2009

Vegan Update: Cheater

Hey there! I have been a junk foodie for the last 2 days. I'm talking Funyuns, Laffy Taffy, and tons of Diet Mountain Dew. Not to mention a tremendously delicious salted nut roll. I'm not sure why I have been craving such yuckirific foods. I'm eating like the 'Old Emily' again! Potato chips for meals, and candy for breakfast. Ahhhh! :)

I'm starting a new healthy eating chapter tomorrow and jumping back on my plan. Also, I'm going to try to exercise everyday for at least 10 minutes. I know this isn't very much, but it's definitely a lot more than 0 minutes. I better get to the produce market right away tomorrow and load up on veggies and fruits; otherwise I'll be tempted to head back to CVS for more of my favorite toxicly delicious Funyuns.

Hope you are all having a great weekend. I know most of you already exercise more than I do, but if anyone wants to join me for the 10 minutes a day challenge, I'd love an accountability partner.

Eat well and breathe deep.


  1. My motto: "Everything in moderation"! Totally great to eat healthy/vegan/whatever, but if you happen to have laffy taffy for breakfast once in a while, you GO for it! I believe it is what keeps life interesting. Some of my fun parenting moments are when we step outside of our 'box' and just GO for it. Whether its deciding to sit down on the kitchen floor to eat our lunch instead of the high chair, or sneak in our leftover chocolate cake before cereal in the morning...we GO for it. When I look at Adam and say "I think we're going to Noodles for crab rangoon and coke for dinner", he thinks I'm crazy, but then I see his sneaky excitement too!! It's not all the time, but in moderation. I feel it can keep life in balance....and FUN...or even silly!!! hehe

    Oh, I would totally take you up on the 10 minutes of exercise a day. I keep telling myself I'll do something like that, but maybe accountability would help :)

  2. hey, we all cheat once in a while (or all day like myself today). yes, gotta get back into the better eating habit. will definitely join you on the at least 10 mins a day. we can keep accountability via twitter!

    got some kale at the farmers market today, any suggestions??

  3. I hear you on the cheating, Em. I'm neck deep in things that I can't bring myself to do and halfway through a box of licorice and cheerios. Not a good place to be health-wise. But we have our swings and we usually swing back the other way, right? I'll keep you in my prayers!

    And Kale - my FAVORITE kale recipe is kale pesto on noodles.
    2 parts steamed Kale to 1 part walnuts and 1 or 2 cloves of garlic - put it all in a food processor and run on high, drizzling in olive oil until it's the consistency of spaghetti sauce or a little thicker. BEST EVER! and if you use unroasted walnuts then it's low fat with only the olive oil to account for.

  4. Hey friends! Great responses! Karen, I love your motto. Also, NOODLES crab rangoon: YUM YUM YUM! That is my favorite Hyde Park food!

    Melita, I hope you had fun at the farmer's market. Manda's recipe looks delicious! I'm definitely going to have to try that out!

  5. i am definitely inspired to try out that kale recipe. the farmers market (as always) was a blast. i have some pics up on my morgantown musings blog and i have a dish i made from some of my farmer market findings on my gussying up the tuttle blog. shheew, lol.
